There’s a lot we think we know about out hair. But when it really comes down to it, there are a lot of myths out there that fool us into thinking we know more than the facts. With all the abundance of information circling about the Internet and magazines, it’s often hard to tell fiction from truth.
Here are some of the most common hair care myths that you should know about:
Shampooing too often leads to oily hair
We’ve all been a sucker for this one since it seems to just logically make sense. But in actual fact, the sebum (or fat) production that produces that oily look on your hair depends solely on the age and skin type of the individual. Just like how our facial skin is sensitive to different products, so too is our scalp. So if your hair seems to be too oily after shampooing, the reason is most likely related to the product that you’re using which is reacting negatively with your skin type. Speak with your Toronto hair stylist for a recommendation on shampoo and conditioning products that are best for your hair type.
Brunette hair grows faster than blonde hair
Surprisingly, many people believe this is true, especially since blonde hair appears to be finer and more fragile. Although it is more prone to breakage and damage, especially from overuse of high-heat tools, such as hair straightener, it can actually still grow faster than brunette hair. This is due to the fact that hair colour genes don’t solely determine hair growth. Many other genetic factors play a role in this as well.
Styling products make your hair dry and brittle
There’s a strong myth surrounding styling products and how they cause your hair to dry out and feel brittle. Sure, some can make your hair feel this way, but the alcohol that’s present in them isn’t the culprit. Alcohol evaporates almost immediately as the product settles, so drying isn’t an associated factor. Your problem is simply using a product that your hair and scalp are sensitive to. Try switch them up by experimenting with new ones and ask your hair stylist for recommendations if you are unsure.
Next time your friends dish out some myths about their hair, or the fact that it’s simply taboo to wash it more than twice a week, you have some cold hard facts that you can use to inform them and bust some of those common myths away.