4 Signs You DON’T Treat Your Hair With Love – Bob + Paige Salon
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4 Signs You DON’T Treat Your Hair With Love

Your hair can say a lot about you. It can express your habits, character, hygiene and style. But it can also show if you’ve been neglecting it. Here are four signs to show whether you’re giving your head of hair enough love and attention.

You Don’t Bother Using Products

If your daily hair care regimen consists of showering, air-drying, and heading for the door – this could be a stark sign that you’re not showing your hair enough love. It deserves more than that! So why not put a little effort into it and find a few products to tame that frizz or add some definition to those curls? It is after all, what stays with us throughout our entire lives. Talk to your hair stylist about the best products for your particular hair type and texture.

You Over-Wash It

Despite your sense of hygiene, over-washing your hair is not good for it. Each time you wash it, you’re removing essential oils that are produced to keep those locks healthy and strong. By stripping away those natural oils, your hair can easily become brittle and dry. So try to reduce hair washing to twice a week. You can use a dry shampoo if necessary to help get you through those off days. Your hair will thank you.

Too Much Brushing

Your hair follicles are delicate – especially if you have been over-washing them. Try to alleviate some of the stress on them by avoiding brushing your hair daily and aggressively. Each time you run that brush through, you are pulling out strands and causing split ends. So try to reduce the amount of brushing, and always be gentle when you do.

Too Much Heat

We all know how damaging those hair dryers and flat irons can be. If your daily hair care routine involves intensive heat, you could be causing some serious damage to your hair. Do your best to reduce your dependence on those tools and avoid cranking up the heat when you do. If you need to use them – always protect your hair with a heat-protection spray or serum. This will help to minimize damage. Ask your hair stylist for product recommendations.

If you’re guilty of one or all of these habits, it could be time to show some love to your locks. All it requires a little extra effort to boost the health of your hair and make it look fabulous. If you’re still unsure of where to start, ask your hair care professional from bob+paige hair salon for some advice. They can guide you towards the best course of action to take so that you can start showing some love to you hair.